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Our knowledge-based blogs

Optimizing your marketing campaigns with STT

Optimising your marketing campaigns with STT Optimization for your marketing campaign is very important for every company and product. Now a days there is no such kind of system by which you can get the real customers interaction data to optimise your marketing campaign. STT offers the innovative solution for this all on one platform […]

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Smart industrial Solutions

Smart industrial Solutions Customers are always looking after the infos for the products at one place which they want to buy. In this busy life, no one has time to go online and look for the specific product infos. Same for the companies, they do not know how much difficult is for their customers to […]

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Digital marketing future

Digital marketing future Companies are spending lot of money on digital marketing. However, most of adds are popped up to the wrong persons on wrong time. That is why the conversion rate in digital marketing is 1- 3 % . Furthermore, there is no such mechanism to bring on line the in store visting customers […]

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Sustainability in digital age

Sustainability in digital age Sustainability is very important for us and is the hot topic now a days. In this industrialised time, lot of natural resecures re consumed to produce the new and new engineering and consumer products. No doubt, the manufacturing companies are prime responsible for the sustainability for the produced items. At the […]

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Customer and product interaction digitalization

Customer and product interaction digitalisation The key in every product marketing is to know how the customers are interacting with the products, how they feel and what they want to have more features in the products. We all are using so many products every day in different modes. Some time we are looking the products […]

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Track your each and every produced unit in the market

Track your each and every produced unit in the market When you are producing the same article in bulk from different vendors, in different batches, on different dates and so on. When it comes to your customer service and quality control, it becomes very important to have your each and every produced traceability in the […]

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QR Codes for Engineering and mechanical Industries

QR Codes for Engineering and mechanical Industries While using the mechanical machinery and hi-tech engineering products, it is utmost important to read and understand their user manuals along with other products and company information. Having the paper printed user manuals are old fashioned now. With STT QR code generator you can embed any number of […]

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QR Codes for Travel and tourism

QR Codes for Travel and tourism  Travel and tourism are all the time attractive. Companies prepare their tourism catalogue and travel options brochure either in paper printed or in digital format. The digital formats brochure and catalogues are shared on different platforms. Unfortunately, it is all scattered too much that client could not have delightful […]

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QR Codes for high performance materials

QR Codes for high performance materials Materials are an essential part of our lives. We use so many materials daily, unfortunately not having the proper knowledge for their use. It is very vital when we are using the high performance materials in industry and hazardous chemicals in lab, on industrial scale as well as in […]

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QR Codes for textiles

QR Codes for textiles Textiles are the integral part of our lives. At the same time, textile industry is the second most environment polluting industry after oil and gas. That is why the world is shifting towards sustainable, green and organic textiles. Here is the missing link that the end buying customer is not that […]

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QR Codes for real estate

QR Codes for real estate Real estate marketing is all the time competitive. The house and property buyers are always looking different options and comparing them when they want to buy a house or property. So, to influence their buying decision it important to provide all of the property and your company information and documents […]

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QR Codes for beauty and personal care products

QR Codes for beauty and personal care products Beaty and personal care products are essential or everyone. So it is also important to have the complete knowledge for the product which you want to use. STT QR codes provides the innovative solution to communicate all of the product, company, sustainability information whatever you want for […]

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