Digital marketing future

STT-Scan to Tell
Dynamic QR Code generator

Enables you to laser target your customers and increase in sale

Present digital marketing, high-cost low results

Digital marketing is gaining reception now a days.Companies are spending lot of money on their digital, social and internet marketing. Currently all of the digital marketing is based upon the consumers behaviour data who are on line, come on line and search on line, and it is based on their search, location and browsing history along with some other data. The conversion rate in the digital marketing is maximum 1 – 3 %, and also the rebuying rate from the customers is even lower than this. So, the companies are pumping in tons of money targeting those customers who are actually not their potential customers, because those have not seen and experienced the actual product. They do not know all about the physical product which is presented to them digitally. If the customers could not feel and experience the product, howe they could buy this ? no matter how many times we pop up the add on their smart phone.

Biggest problem, presenting the wrong ads to wrong customers

People do want to buy, but the biggest problem is to present the right infos on right time to impact their buying decisions. In today’s digital marketing, companies are not all the time successful in providing the right infos to the right people in right time. Furthermore, with digital marketing, there is not a single mechanism to make your customers to feel the product physically along with the needed information. So, in modern digital marketing, we are showing up the adds to the potential customers without a physical product experience.Another problem with the digital marketing is that we show up our adds to the people as per their internet history who do not have any interest in our product and will not buy in anyway. The real customers are those who touch, see and experience the physical products and exactly want to buy. So, it is important to provide the complete product infos at that right time. Keeping this in mind STT technology is developed, which empowers you to provide all of the product infos to your customers on right time just with one QR Code scan. Visit our Product QR Code to see how does this work.Replace the text as advised below and adjust it in two paragraphs and adjust the image accordingly H1 Make this text clickable and link to product.

Use our STT QR Code generator on
Industrial scale

Easy approach for your customer

STT an brilliant marketing solution

STT provides you the innovative marketing solution to bring all of your customers on line who actually touch, feel and experience your physical products no matter they buy or not. Just imagine, how big is the break though for your company that with STT technology you could actually come to know your real buying customers. Once you could bring them on line just with one scan and present them all of your product story digitally, tell all about the product and impact their buying decisions. That is the future of digital marketing. You can at once connect with your authentic customers digitally without spending tons of money and later on you can follow them for your further products. That is the real laser focused customer targeting in this digital age. STT provides you to do all this with a smart and user-friendly digital platform.

STT a step towards digital marketing future

STT dynamic QR Code generator is designed to turn around the digital marketing where you can embed all of your product information in digital format just in one QR Code very easily. Once the consumers scan the STT generated QR code, they will get all of the product information instantaneously on their smart phones andthey are just on line with your product and your company. STT gives you the opportunity to tell everything about the product digitally starting from the product general introduction, user manuals, instructions sheets, material detail, sustainability bench marks, storage instructions, you company introduction, about all of your social media platforms as well as the quality, compliance or any other certificates… whatever and whenever you want to tell you customers just with one QR Code scan. On top of that STT smart App provides your potential customers the opportunity to communicate with you digitally for that particular product in hand. More over your customers can save your product digitally in their customised smart wallet, retrieve the product data, as well as punch a query for that particular product any time whenever you customers want … what a freedom in this digital time…. Thanks to STT technology.

Embed all of the product data in One QR Code

For the consumers it is important to know about the product in hand before its buy. STT technology has developed such a platform where you can embed any kind of information in any sort of digital format like text, image, video, downloadable file or web URLs in a very organised manner just in one QR Code. Once the end consumers scan that STT generated QR code, they will get all of the enclosed information on their smart phones which will impact their buying decision.

Getting real data for your potential customers

In today’s digital market the customers are approached based upon their internet and browsing history. This digital world could not actually distinguish the real and phoney customers. STT technology has turned the wheel in opposite direction for a big opportunity. Here you will get the data for those customers who are holding your products in their hands and actually willing to buy. This is simply done with the help of same STT generated QR Code. Once the user scans the STT generated product QR code, company is getting the statistically analysis for their product based upon different parameters like location  wise, device wise, product wise, category wise, vendor wise and so on.

Customer’s product interaction behavioural data

Today’s biggest problem is that companies do not know on real ground that how the customers are interacting and feeling about their products. This data will help the companies to make present product better as well as to develop the future products. Another aspect is that, different customers are interacting with the physical products in different modes, like while with the children, using the product in office, on public places, in kitchen or on beds and so on.

Every mode of interaction has its own flavour which can be optimised on long term bases. STT has brought the innovative solution to grab this opportunity. Firstly, users can get all of the product required infos just with one scan, secondly, they can save the on line product in their customised smart wallet in STT smart APP. On top of this users can write about the product, punch the query, put a complaint or express their feelings in any mode of interaction just with one click. STT has made all of this process so easy and user friendly that companies will get the realtime feedback from their customers about their products.

Cost effective as expected

Companies are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on digital marketing. At the end companies do not know who is going to hold their products in hands and use it. That is why the conversion rate is hardly 1 – 3% in digital marketing. STT has introduced the totally different approach which is far more cost effective as compared to the today’s digital marketing. Here you do not need to spend lot of money to run adds on social media, the STT generated QR code will do the marketing itself for you even when you are sleeping. By the STT QR code scanning analytics you will come to know about your real customers who is touching and feeling your products. Once someone scans the QR code, then she / he is on line with you and your product, then you can present her/him as many ideas as you want. You can make her/him your permanent customer. You can listen your customers and make them to love your products. This all is done just with one QR code…so cost effective.