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Why do I need to use
STT-Scan to Tell?

Dream for a product owner

Being a product owner, you would like to tell to your customers everything about your product, its use, its secrets functions, how could your product can change their life in a better way. For sure you would like to tell all this to every of your customer weather she/he buy or does not buy the product. On top of this, you have deep desire to make your customers fall in love with your products, save them digitally in her/ his mobile phone and urges them to buy more and more. The only way is to tell your customers all about your product whatever you want in a very understandable and good-looking manner.

Present solution…oops no so strong not so dynamic

One solution for this is to create a product web page, put all of the information on it and then create a QR Code to interact with the consumers. It is tedious for an average to medium lever computer user. You have to buy the domain, secure the web hosting, even hire the developer permanently to make the changes as per market demand. Even then this solution is not that much dynamic as it is required in today’s fast-moving life.

STT_ one easy solution for all

STT_ Scan to Tell brings the stunning solution for all of this on one platform. Here you do not need to buy the domain, pay for web hosting and bear the developer headache .. nothing at all. Now you can put all of your product information all of the images, videos, social media and web links, downloadable files anything and everything you want JUST in one QR Code, without buying any domain, paying for hosting and developer. Once your customer scans that STT generated QR Code, she / he will retrieve all of the information instantaneously one her / his smart phone. Also, your customer can put her/ his question, punch a query and give the feedback for that particular product just with button click with same QR Code. To make your customers connect with your product emotionally and digitally, STT technology provides the opportunity to save the product in their digital wallet in STT smart APP, along with save all of the products documents like invoices, warranty cards, put the warranty expiry and any other alarms and also enjoy many other functionality.



STT-Scan to Tell


Most important, Customer’s Trust

Most of the customer do not buy because they are not well informed and confident for the product. In many cases even after buying customers either goes through the hassle for internet surfing to know more about the product use which they have bought to read the messy user manuals and instruction sheets. Later-on in actual peoples do not find the printed informative material when it is needed. So still there lies ahead a huge market potential to be explored, if you could overcome these obstacles, provide the customers all of the product information anything and everything they want to know digitally in one scan and after that make all this material available 24/7 for your customers. In result, customers will be well informed about the product in question and will use it with full capacity with 100% confidence. In return you will have more and more customer connectivity and boom with more trust.

First: Digitalising your product infos

In the STT QR Code generator back-end office, go to the QR Code management, then Article QR Code. Press “Add new” button on top right of the corner. Enter your product or article name or number and click “Save and continue”. A complete portal will open for you where you can put, as many information for your product as you want. You can give desired name, select currency and give regular or sale price as per choice, include size / specs charts, select the quality / compliance certificates, add variant and make combinations and many more features.

 In addition to this, you can also add the product images as many as you want, write the descriptive text and the most fascinating feature make segments for the product as per your choice, like sustainability, material, your story, user manuals any thing you can imagine and want to tell your customers. In these segments you can write descriptive text, upload images, add videos, include downloadable files, add your social media and web links as many as you want ….LIMITLESS possibilities.

You will have very strong and dynamic control on all of above added and uploaded entities to hide or show any time to your customer upon scanning the QR Code just with one click.

Second: Creating product QR code

Once you have fed and uploaded all of your product story and information, create the product specific QR Code by simply clicking the “Create QR Code”. Here you have the freedom to select the particular variable combination and create the QR Code for that specific combination. By general product QR Code will be created simply by clicking the “Create QR Code” button, which will contain all of the entities which you have already added. The created QR Code is totally dynamic which you can easily print, download or send via Email as per your need. You also have the privilege to come any time on the product main info page and change, hide or unhide the content any time as per the market trend without changing the QR Code

Third: Customer QR Code scanning and data retrieval

Once your customer scans the STT generated product QR Code, she/he will retrieve all of the added and uploaded information in a well organised and attractive manner. By playing with different ways of data uploading you can make the product infos for your customer as much interesting and dynamic as you want.  If you like you can also tell your customer the complete product supply chain. You can also show and convince the customer for related products. On top of that if you allow your customers, they can contact with you for that particular product simply by clicking on button in the same scanned QR Code.

Fourth: Deep scanning analytics and optimising your marketing campaign

Biggest problem in the consumer market and also in general is, that companies do not know how their customers are interacting with their products on actual grounds. Another major obstacle in marketing campaign optimising is that now a days it is very difficult to get real and honest feedback about your product.

You can find answers to both of these questions on STT platform. You will get deep scanning analytics with many advanced features for your products equipped with STT generated QR Code. In addition, once a customer saves the product in her / his STT smart wallet, you will be notified. Moreover, customers can easily communicate to the company and company can easily communicate with the customers for the particular products. So you will get in actual input from your customers for your products. Further you can download all these feedbacks and use them in making new products and optimising your marking drive. Thanks to modern digital technology.