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QR Codes for Cosmetics and beauty products

Use our STT QR code generator for your cosmetics and beauty products where you can put all of your product,
company or any other information only in one QR Code without any web site URL.

Here you will find a complete marketing solution at one place

Why and when do you need cosmetics and beauty product?

Self-care and protecting oneself cannot be overlooked. Cosmetics raise your self-esteem, lift your spirits, and improve your mood and health. Everyone uses cosmetics daily. These products are not just essential for keeping clean, they also help you feel good about yourselves. In addition, to make you feel better, being clean and hygienic can help you avoid serious illnesses.

When it comes to choose and buy the right cosmetics and beauty products for your precious skin, knowing all about the product in question is vital. Being as the end consumer you have to do lot of research for that particular product online as well as off line. Most of the time this research ends in frustration.

Telling all about the products to your customers

Being the product and brand owner, you actually do not know how the end consumers are interacting and feeling about your cosmetics product. Of course, you would love to educate your customer and tell as much as you want about your products. Explain them how to use, which product is good for which kind of skin, how to store it, what are the precautions, get them engage on your social media platforms and so on. On top of that you are longing for to make your customers fall in love with your products, to interact with them in real time and get to know their true feedback for optimising your market campaign and to develop the new product.

Present QR Code solution unfortunately not so dynamic as needed

QR Codes are the best choice for communicating your product infos to your customers. Unfortunately, the present QR Code generating platforms offers the facility with very limited options. You can embed only one URL, one video, one image gallery, one downloadable file, one social media link at one time. This means that you have to create different QR Codes to all of your different data for your product. Then your customers has to scan all of them one by one to get to know all about the product….so embarrassing for everybody as well.

STT QR Code generator! Now you can embed anything and everything as you want

So, to scale up your business, enhance your customers interaction and tell your complete product story just with one scan, STT QR Code generating technology is invented. Now you can put anything, any number of products images, videos, downloadable files, web URL & social media links… everything you want in ONLY one QR Code. In addition to this, after scanning and getting all of the data with STT smart App, your customers can save your product in their digital wallet, put the reminders, share to any one as well as they can have the easy communication for a particular product just with few clicks.   

With STT generated QR Code now you can have all in one, like all of your product story, all of your social media links, all of the products user manuals, instruction sheets as well as all of the quality and compliance certificates. Most significantly making your customer more comfortable by enabling them to save the product in STT smart wallet, share the product to any one, view the product specs details and most vital sharing their feedback, asking a question and making a complain simply with one click.

Benefits of using STT for Cosmetics and beauty products

  • Stop wasting money and start saving
  • Saving time
  • Escape mental and physical pain
  • Get more control on your marketing campaigns
  • Increase the brand interest

Stop wasting and start saving money

For your beauty and cosmetics products, you need to print lot of material for your customers, unfortunately still it is not enough. You like to print more and more to tell each and every benefit for your product. This enquires a huge paper, printing, logistic and other admin cost. Now you can save all of this money and even more is that you can convey the customers as many files as you want digitally rather than printing them for each and every customer.

Saving time

Time is precious for everyone. We spend lot of time and resources in interacting with our customers and get their feedback for our further R & D. Another aspect is that you need to make different QR code for different entities and social media links for one beauty product, and then track the scanning analytics for each and every QR Code separately … so time consuming. STT has placed a cap on many time-wasting activities especially the above two mentioned. Now you can get in touch with the customers and get their feedback digitally in a super-fast manner. Furthermore, you do not need to go anywhere and make different QR Codes for one of your beauty products. You can embed all of the required entities in one QR code… thanks to the STT developers. As an estimate you can save your 30 – 40 % of time which you can utilise in other healthy activities like developing new products, optimising your market campaigns and so on.

Escaping mental and physical pain

Just imagine you have hundreds of products and every product have 5-7 different entities and social media links. Every product will carry a bunch of QR code with it. At least for me it is a constant mental and physical pain. Importantly, if you do not interact with your customers digitally for your beauty and personal care products, you will be left far behind from the companies who are managing all of this. STT is giving you an opportunity to get escape all of this aching. Firstly, it provides the space to make one QR Code for one or group of products and include anything you want. Secondly it provides the very deep scanning and customers product interaction analytics.

Get more control on your marketing campaigns

A product owner is in comfort when her / his customers are happy with the products and services. Educating the customers as much as possible about the product so that they can use the product in full capacity. With STT you do not need to worry, it is completely digitalizing your product story and enhancing customer satisfaction. Furthermore, STT data analytics gives you the strong control while analysing the performance for your all of the products, your vendors, your different categories, different labels even the performance of your account holder employees. We say that it gives you the peace of mind.

Increasing the brand Interest

In today’s digital age, information and how these are conveyed are the key for a product and brand success. Customers are more interested and will shop more with the brands who are more transparent and always informative towards their customers for their products. STT technology enables the brands to tell all of their sustainable, supply chain or any other story along with the cosmetic and beauty product information just with one QR Codes scan. As a result, it will increase your brand interest and client family.