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Smart solution for busy people

Digital connectivity with your physical stuff

The social media and digitalization era has made all of us so busy that it has become difficult to find the time and know about the things exactly which we use. No doubt, this social media and digitalization has enabled us to connect with each other digitally, however we have totally ignored our digital connectivity with our personal physical stuff. We do not exactly know about the stuff which we use, what we eat, what we wear and so on. So, as a result all of the physical stuff starting from the baby milk to the cars, we are using them either under capacity or over capacity. So, in a sense we are wasting the resources, energy and are not contributing towards the global sustainable development goals (SDDG). Moreover, by not proper using the things as they should be, we are putting our and our families lives on risk as well as we are damaging the environment.

Tedious Internet surfing for target product information

This digital age has made the information availability much easier than before, however all of the data is scattered over the internet. You have to surf on the internet to find the right information for a particular product. It is a tedious work and in most of the cases, it ends up with no gain. Additionally, there is no such method available by which you can save the specific product using instruction in a proper organised manner and make them readily available whenever you need.

STT a solution towards laser target customer service

Keeping this thing in mind, STT technology is developed, where your customers can get all of the product information, either it’s user instruction, or storage manuals, or compliance and quality certificates, anything and everything just with one QR code scan. Actually, STT has enabled the companies to embed all of the exact product information in digital formats like text, images, videos, download able files and so in in Just on QR code without having any live URL, buying the domain and securing hosting. Once you scan the STT generated product QR code, you will get all of the fed information and other data at once on your mobile phone. So, you do not need to further surf the internet and waste your time. On top of this, you can save that product along with all of the infos and data in your smart wallet in the STT smart APP, where you can make your own categories, organise the things as well as put the expiry and other alarms. These saved product infos are readily available any time in your smart APP just with few clicks. Even then if you have the questions, complain about the product or punch the query you can directly write it to the product owner…and many more functions which will make your busy life more smooth and easy…waaooo….what the great smart solution for our busy life.

Every product has a story to tell

Best story told sells best

Stories are a potent tool that human use to transmit feelings and for communication. Users connect with a brand for life time if they comprehend its value, goals and history. More importantly consumers connect with the products emotionally if they find its story more convincing. In short, every product we buy and every product we use has its own story which can connect us with it warmly if its story touches our hearts.

Digital story telling for your product just with one scan

Above all it is important that every product story should be conveyed to its each and every consumer, either the consumer buy or does not buy the product. Secondly, the story is to tell the consumer in such a way that is convincing and it just connect the consumer with the product at once. These product stories can be told by different ways, like in the form of text, image story, video story and so on. However, the most accepted story types over the internet are the video stories which are presented to the end consumers in the form of video sales letter (VSL). If we can combine the VSL for a product along with its other infos, it can act as a catalyst to impact the consumer buying behaviour. All this product story telling looks so good and attractive. Unfortunately, there does not exist a single digital platform by which you can tell your customer about a product what ever you want just with one scan.

STT product story telling…limitless possibilities

So, the STT – Scan to Tell technology is developed which provides you a state of the art and very user-friendly digital platform where you can upload any number of VSL along with all of other product data. Then you can create a QR Code for that particular product just with one click which carry all of VSL which you want to tell your end consumers along with the other related product infos and data. When the end consumer, either before or after buying, scans the STT generated QR Code, she/he will be able instantaneously to watch and listen your product story which you have fed in the STT QR Code. Additionally, your customer has the opportunity to connect with you digitally for that particular product just with one click…waoo….what a freedom. Now there are no limits. You can try your idea the way you want with STT QR Code generator with complete control and deep scanning analytics.

All of your URLs, Videos. Images, files everything
you want just in one QR Code

Scattered Internet and printed product Information

The digital world is evolving very fast, providing more and more opportunities for businesses and individuals to flourish. Perhaps the most prominent issue we are facing is to cope up with the digital change. No doubt we have come a long way to this point in digital era, where we can search and find whatever the information we need. However, if we speak about conveying the products information to their end consumers. Still there exist a huge gap between the consumers.
In this digital age we still use paper printed materials to tell the end consumers about the products. On the other hand, computer has enabled us to produce the product information in many digital formats to convince the end consumers. But the big problem is that how these digital contents can be communicated to the end consumers in a very fast, easy and efficient manner. Some people came out with the solution to create a QR Code for the specific product and make it travel with it. Once the end consumer scans the QR code with her mobile phone she will get the encoded information on the smart phone.

Oops…Present QR Code can not hold more than one entity at one time

The major drawback with these present QR Codes is that most of the time they contain only single entity at one time, like they can carry only one web URL, or one video URL, or one image, one file or one text message and so on. Here comes the limitation which handicaps the owners and does not allow them to products information to convey with one QR Code. At present, the companies understanding the importance of the digital content are using more than one QR code, in most of the cases six, seven or even more QR Codes for all of different ULRs, videos, images, files and social media links to tell their consumers all about their products and engage with them digitally.

STT_ The first ever sustainable QR Code

There was the dire need for a QR Code technology where you can put digitally anything you want just in ONE QR Code without having any live URL, buying the hosting and securing the domain. Keeping this important need in view, STT – Scan to Tell Technology was developed. Here you can embed all of your URLs, images, files, text anything and everything you want Just in one QR Code. On top of that you do not need to secure a domain, buy the hosting and hire the developer to do all of this. With STT platform you can upload all of your product digital content just in one QR Code in an organised manner, that you can download, share online as well as print the STT generated QR Code on the product packages. On scanning this QR Code, the end consumers will get all of the embedded, files, images, URLs, videos everything instantaneously on their smart phone. Furthermore, the STT generated QR Code is the first ever sustainable QR Code and much more dynamic than ever before.