Smart industrial solutions
STT-Scan to Tell
Dynamic QR Code generator
Limitless possibilities to experiment your ideas

Need for the time, reducing the manufacturing cost
The idea of “Circular Economy” has become popular now a days in sustainability and consumer market discussions. Furthermore, in these global crises after Covid the supply chains have been damaged along with the increase in cost of production. So, it is the time for the companies to shift their thinking towards the smart industry solutions which will reduce their manufacturing cost and explore previously unreachable consumer markets. There are millions of companies manufacturing hundreds of millions of the products every day. for their consumers. Companies are wasting their resources and adding extra cost due to less customer connectivity, inadequate methods in product information digitalisation for their end consumers and poor product activity visibility in the market. In every business there is the exchange of machinery, materials or products from one end to the other end. So, it is the significant for the end consumer to know all about the product for its use at full capacity on the right time, resulting the better customer trust, cost reduction and increase in ROI.

Problem with present QR code generators
Use of QR code is old and is in practice since 1994, and originally it was invented by the Japanese company Denso Wave. However, the problem with the present QR code lies with its limited ability to carry only one entity like one web URL, or one video, or one downloadable file and so on at one time. If the companies want to interact with their customers for the particular products, they need more than one QR code at one time for one product which is so confusing for the end consumer. Another handicap with the present QR cods is that for URL QR codes, you first have to develop the web site and keep it live all the time, then make the QR Code for that live URL.
So, to cope with the present and future market demand, STT- scan to Tell technology is developed. This provides you the opportunity to embed all of your product information, in images, videos, downloadable file, texts, certificates… everything and anything you want just in one QR code, and WITHOUT having live URL, domain and hosting

STT dynamic Industrial QR Code generator
Easy approach for your customer
STT-a step towards smart industrial solutions