STT-Scan to Tell
Dynamic QR Code generator
Article QR Code
QR Code for your single article or product. STT article QR Code generator caters all sort of products like consumer, industrial, scientific, a meeting event, a wedding event, a birthday party, a conference, a concert…any thing you can imagine.
100% dynamic QR code where you can put all of the images, files, text, videos, web links as many as you want just in One QR Code even without having any of your live URL
- Advance QR Code search from your customised QR code data base
- Organized QR Code listing layout
- Export all as well as desired QR Code data in Excel
- Play, pause, edit and delete any QR Code just with clicks
- QR Code scanning data on your tips
- Create, track and analyse the product variable combination QR Codes individually
- Print and send the QR Code via Email

Article /Product QR Code creation in three easy Steps
Create 100% dynamic article/ product QR Code as many you want without having any live web URL, domain or hosting just in three easy steps
- Step 1:Click Add new from the article QR Code section and give your desired article name / number, press save and continue
- Step 2:Enter all of the article / product data like name, images, description text, variable combination, videos, files, external links and many more as per your choice. Make the separate explicit segments as needed. Save the data where needed and make publish / unpublish the content after scan as per your choice
- Step 3: Click to create QR Code, download, print or send via Email the generated QR Code